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The Past, Present and Future of Computer Languages

One of the earliest mentions and developments of computer languages occurred roughly 78 years ago in the 1940s.
During this time, Plankal, Fortran, COBOL and BASIC were developed. These are listed below, with relevant information.



COBOL (COmmon Business Oriented Language):

BASIC (Beginner's All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code):

With the current technological advancements, it is important that the computer languages are able to work on a multitude
of devices to serve almost every industry. Java and C/C++ are two of the most commonly used today:



Predicting how computer languages will develop is incredibly difficult, although we can see where they may develop based on todays needs.
Simon P. Jones (TechRepublic,2017) suggests adding 'parallel programing' to today's functional languages for the following resons:

Developers should also consider making languages easier to access and write on tablets and mobile devices, as previously some languages
have not been user-friendly on phones and laptops (Wilson,2016).Developers should also aim to keep languages as simple as possible.
this would allow their products to be more user-friendly (Smith,2016)

plankakul fortran cobol basic java cc

Languages in order: Plankakul, Fortran, COBOL, BASIC, JAVA, C/C++.


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What is one of the functions of the C/C++ language?